Chiropractic Services

Auto accidents/slip & falls
For the last 20 years Dr. Flushman has treated patients that have been involved in minor to major car accidents. His treatment has helped thousands of patients feel better and has gotten them back to pre-accident status. The same is true for patients that have had a slip & fall. Dr. Flushman ONLY treats auto accidents/slip & falls if they are represented by an attorney.

Neck back sciatic pain & headaches
Over the last 20 years Dr. Flushman has treated thousands of patients suffering from these complaints. They have consisted of everything from patients who have simply woken up with pain, hurt themselves in the gym or sports related, lifted something incorrectly, and even age related aches & pains. In regards to headaches Dr. Flushman has treated patients suffering from migraines to headaches caused by patients necks being out of alignment. FMLA If you work for a casino or a company that requires

Dr. Flushman is able to evaluate patients and fill out FMLA paperwork. In doing so an exam & treatment will be included at no extra cost.

DMV handicap application
Over the years Dr. Flushman has examined & evaluated many patients whom he believes would benefit from handicap parking. He is able to fill out an application that the patient then submits to the DMV for approval. An exam & treatment will be included at no extra cost.

Cash discounts
Over the years health insurance has become very complicated and costly. Dr. Flushman does NOT accept any health insurance but does offer cash discounts.